Well, firstly, as an internet Marketer of over 3 years I wasn't really expecting what was in store for me. I initially signed up to review the product but ended up getting hooked on the content as it really did make me think about the way I was moving with my businesses.
The Point and click Coaching Programme is insanely honest and I do mean insanely, Lee McIntyre leaves nothing out and crams the tuition with tons of valuable content.
Lee used to be a high school teacher and this is self evident when you listen to him launch into his enthusiastic coaching techiniques at a breakneck speed....the guy really can talk quickly (and he is from Manchester in the Uk so there is an added accent there to get used to if you are unfamiliar with English regions!!) but that to me just accentuates the passion that he exudes with his coaching.
I must admit I soon gave up taking notes as I was struggling to understand both what he was saying (referring to the accent again not the content!!) and keeping up with him, but the more I listened the more I got used to the accent and I became comfortable with his dulcit tones!!! I then sat back and listened and went back later to take pages and pages of notes.

Lee's philosophy of 'if you give away valuable content then people are more likely to buy from you in the future' makes complete sense to me, although I must admit this did set alarm bells ringing at first, thinking this must be some sort of commercial suicide and doomed from the outset.
'The 1st rule of momentum is to give first and sell second. The most effective selling strategy I know how is to give away valuable content to the point in which you build recipriocity and become viewed as a trusted advisor.'
Why would an incredibly successful marketer be giving away a valuable DVD worth $1997? This is two days worth of footage from his sellout 'Get More Momentum' workshop' which was held in Manchester. The price didn't even include Travel, food or accomodation so why, when he could easily sell this product over and over again, is he giving this away?
Well, simply put, as his quote evidences, he wants us to buy from him in the future. Of course he's not just being a generous guy, there is always a catch.
He is trying to acquire as many customers as possible. Trust, ethics and honesty are paramount in todays business world, giving away the blueprint from a successful business model he still uses today seems to me to be a perfect vehicle for gaining that trust.
Of course he is trying to 'hook' you into buying more of his products but he is not risking giving away useless unusable information to reel people in. Lee really believes in the value of what he offers and he even gives away a FREE 14 day trial to his Point and Click Coaching programme. There's absolutely NO RISK, cancelling it is easy, although I'm pretty sure you won't, but if you did then you just have to end it and that's that.
Sceptical as I am, I ordered the free DVD after paying a small shipping and handling fee and waited patiently, and admittedly, unenthusiastically for my DVD to arrive. It did take a couple of weeks to make it through my letterbox..well it was shipped from the U.S. so only having to pay a small shipping fee I couldn't exactly complain.
The Workshop was awesome and I was blown away with the sheer value of the content and also the speed at which the adlibbing Mr McIntyre talks. He leaves absolutely NOTHING out and I would recommend taking Lee's offer up for the free 14 day Point and Click Coaching programme. What have you got to lose?
Click on any of the links in my blog to get yoour free dvd and 14 day trial and watch a short presentation from Lee.
To your online success and future prosperity.
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