Ok I'm saying to myself....how did I get to this point where I appear to back in a classroom environment, so to speak, (bet Lee would love that comment being an ex high school teacher!!) and enjoying learning things I thought I already had the answers for?
This really was an upside down inside out experience and the perfect title for his workshop and free DVD.
Ok, so having been literally blown away by the content, I am signed up to the course. So here it is, my 'Lee McIntyre Coaching Review' as experienced by myself.
There is initially an introductory video, an overview of the course, delivered with the same passion I had now come to expect as the norm from Mr McIntyre. It also acts as a site map so you can know what to expect from the course and the support too.
I found the layout very user friendly, easy to read and crammed full of awesome content, and I don't say that lightly. I could almost be back at school with my favourite teacher, only in the comfort of my own home, in a comfy chair with a cappuccino to boot! While I listened to Lee delivering his enthusiastic, excited approach to coaching, I scribbled furiously and this new content was sinking into my spongelike brain matter with an effortless joy.
The programme runs in weekly sessions, okay, for me it was a bit irritating as I couldn't get the information quick enough or fast forward any of the video tutorials. This however, turned out to be a good thing as I would have missed some great tips and demos, stuff that I hadn't seen before. Lee doesn't like to blurt out loads of info all in one go,it is just great content delivered professionally with no fluffy bits all over it, just good solid teaching. I also think that too much all in one go batters the head so I really did like the format. The Lessons come in weekly doses so when you start you don't get week two training until seven days later, which gave me plenty of time to listen, read, make notes, digest and take massive action....FABULOUS!!
There were one or two things that I was unsure about and something that wasn't on the tools section that Lee had said he was putting up. I was doing this in the evening while my son got his stuff together for soccer training so I sent the support site a ticket and off we went. Impressively I received an email back from James the very next day with the answers to my question, so there's no doubt that the support is there and no feeling I'd been left to fend for myself.

Are they easy to understand?? Definitely, I was really impressed that Lee cared there may be people who don't understand some terminology that is probably second nature to experienced marketers. No gobbledygook....just simple English taught very well indeed. Full marks teacher Sir!!
Week 1 - More of an induction week...freshers if you like but a great insight to what's in store, training, tools and resources. Had Lee offered a 7 day trial I would've cancelled it there I think and saved the cash but week 2 was well worth sticking around for. This guy doesn't just deliver, he OVER delivers!
Week 2 - Ok, I admit it, I was excited about this, it was stuff I had gone over before but not at this high standard of learning, Lee leaves NOTHING out,so I was keen to carry on. I am so glad I did as week 3 and 4 had me reeling AND he just keeps piling on the freebies and bonusses too, all of great value as you'd expect form his marketing ethic and all as a thankyou for becoming a point and click customer.
Seriously, if this guy wasn't so up front and honest about why he gives away stuff like his 2 day course, sold at $1997, I would consider him a poor marketer and quite possibly, slightly insane. But he's not, Lee McIntyre is a smart cookie and that's why he pulls in six figures a month now. This is powerful, life changing stuff, as long as you're prepared to take massive action, there is no better programme out there. Guaranteed. I was so impressed I became an affiliate, not just to make money, although I am always looking for great ethical ways of doing so, but simply because I know how much rubbish there is out there and wish I had this whenI first started out, I want other people to get this flying start too.
I believe in Lee McIntyre's coaching programme that much.
Well after my Lee McIntyre Coaching review what do I think? Is it worth the $97 (£65) monthly subscription?
Most definitely, it's a sound investment for the value that I am receiving. If I didn't think so, I would have quit after my free 14 day trial ended. I am blown away by how good this is. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced marketer there is no better coaching programme out there. Seriously good content, delivered professionally, in plain English, well taught and superbly packaged with ongoing support which I have found to be bang on the money.
I would seriously recommend buying the Point and Click coaching programme, get the free DVD and take up the offer of the 14 day free trial,you will want to stay.
I sincerely wish you all the best for your online sucess.
Matt Lucas
p.s. If you sign up to the Point and Click Coaching programme through any of my links on this blog you will receive my '27 Marketing Tools I can't Live Without' report.

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